Worcester Taekwon-Do & Kickboxing MWTA had an amazing year this year, several medals were won at national level, seven coloured belt world medalists including three coloured belt World Champions in Taekwon-Do and silver (Miss Gleaves) and bronze (Mr Monks) world medalists from the World Kickboxing Championships held in Crete. The club has also won the prestigious Community Club of the Year Award 2013 at the Worcester Sports Awards, due to this Worcester Taekwon-Do have been asked to run after school clubs in the Worcestershire area in 2014. The awards evening was held to show recognition for the students who have committed themselves to the club and furthering their Taekwon-Do and Kickboxing training. The award winners were presented their trophies by Graham Houghton (BEM) from Worcester St Johns Neighbourhood Watch who has worked closely with Worcester Taekwon-Do and Miss Gleaves delivering community learning and personal safety awareness. The award winners are as follows:- Student of the Year: William Tinsley Most Improved Student: Giles Richards Competitor of the Year: Matthew Doherty Jnr Competitor of the Year: Theresa Mitchell Promoted to 1st Degree Black Belt: Willow Manton
